Mundekulla Retreat and Course Center

We hope you enjoyed your visit and we love to have your feedback. How well do the Mundekulla Retreat and Course Center deliver wellbeing to visitors?
Mundekulla is built on sustainable principles ever since it started 25 years ago. From the buildings to green energy, from social justice to peace projects. Our biggest wish is to inspire people with the things we do and the food we make. We want to create experiences, arts, learnings and inspiring food you just have to bring home to share with your loved ones. We wanted to create a place that shows that it is possible: to live in harmony with the environment. To build sustainably. To eat healthy and organic. We wish to bring people, learning, creativity and wisdom together.
Today Mundekulla offers courses, retreats, festivals and conferences. From yoga to mindfulness retreats, from concerts to leadership days. You can visit Mundekulla by joining one of our events or booking one of our cottages. In the spring of 2023 we will also create possibility for open stays without an event, so you can create your own private retreat or days for rest.
Mundekulla, with its calm and peaceful surroundings, is a place for mindfulness, yoga, retreats, festivals and conferences. Many people who have visited, describe Mundekulla as a little paradise where the only thing you hear is the sounds of nature. A place for positive change through education and inspiration.
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