Wellbeing International Network
Wellbeing International (WI) is a crossborder network that enables its members to share experiences and knowledge on the theme of sustainability and wellbeing. The network empowers members, through shared values, and supports identifying collaborators. Wellbeing International initiates and carries out research and education on wellbeing drawing on the framework and values of the Wellbeing Concept as well as gathering and promoting knowledge and experience on this topic. Furthermore, the network supports co-creation and innovation with and between wellbeing actors in the society, and empowers small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) contributing to wellbeing, in particular related to tourism and leisure.
The values of the Wellbeing Concept are at the core of Wellbeing International. The emphasis of the Wellbeing Concept is to carry out our actions and activities in a sustainable way, in relation to the environment, society, and economy/trade, as well as in a way that supports individual wellbeing, taking into consideration the whole human being (body, mind, and soul). Wellbeing It is a comprehensive concept centered in balance and harmony.
The vision of Wellbeing International is a thriving community based on creativity, co-creation, and compassion; a strong communion with nature and our planet Earth; and vital and joyful citizens who are treated equally and given the support and possibility in life to explore their highest potential.

Wellbeing International has three main themes; Wellbeing Awareness (including tools to reach wellbeing), Wellbeing Academy (research & education), and Wellbeing Entrepreneurship (Home Of Wellbeing brand & Wellbeing Atlas website).
Become a member of WI
Contact wellbeing@lnu.se to announce your interest in becoming a member of WI.

WI – Academy
We conduct research on several different themes related to Wellbeing and Wellbeing tourism. These include for example target groups in Wellbeing Tourism, how to measure Wellbeing, and tools for enhanced Wellbeing.

WI – Entrepreneurship
We support entrepreneurs in aligning with the Wellbeing Tourism Concept. We provide a brand package and possibility to join regional networks in Wellbeing Tourism.

WI – Awareness
We work on spreading awareness on wellbeing. Click the button below to read about the six aspects of Wellbeing: Environment, Economy, Social, Body, Mind and, Soul.

Good Practices in Wellbeing Tourism
Request a digital copy of a report with Good Practices in Wellbeing Tourism (2022).

Get involved
Become a member I Become a Wellbeing contact point I