Gutshof-Garten Alt Guthendorf

We hope you enjoyed your visit and we love to have your feedback. How well do the Gutshof-Garten Alt Guthendorf deliver wellbeing to visitors?
Enjoy a loving guided tour with Renate Topp through the feel-good garden of the Alt Guthendorf estate. In the kitchen's garden grow herbs and vegetables, some of them old, forgotten varieties. In 2018, we were able to establish a flowering meadow for the first time. A biotope with marsh plants was newly created, many information boards explain the near-natural garden areas. Orchard meadow and many seating areas invite you to linger.
In the enchanted park one can let the soul dangle, the ways under old fruit trees are natural, from hidden places many birds can be observed, swallows get themselves swinging food for the offspring, the small pond visits the heron.
There is something different for everyone to discover.
The Manor house garden Alt Guthendorf is located in the immediate vicinity of the listed, lovingly restored manor house from 1796. In a near-natural environment, various perennial plantings as well as roses feel at home, especially shrub and climbing roses, often combined with clematis.
Contact information
+49 1702 98 07 90
Gutshof Alt-Guthendorf, Am Park 11, 18337 Marlow, Deutschland
Opening season: the whole year

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