Fiddekulla Trädgård

We hope you enjoyed your visit and we love to have your feedback. How well do the Fiddekulla Trädgård deliver wellbeing to visitors?
The garden is naturally framed by ancient stone walls and sprawling greenery. In the field behind the barn, beautiful cut flowers are grown, both outdoor cultivated, and the slightly more delicate ones, inside a cold-greenhouse. Sit down among the floral splendour and listen to buzzing bumblebees and watch the butterflies spreading their wings. Try a sensory walk - borrow flower scissors, a basket and calmly enjoy the sea of flowers and grass. Below the courtyard, you will find a cosy little section with a sample cultivation of various spring flowers. At greenhouse Swedish-grown perennials, herbs, berry plants, and grass for your own garden. If you get inspired to grow flowers, you can take a look inside the farm shop for seeds! Our small farm shop is inside the barn. Here you will find lovely and useful things for your home, garden, or balcony, as well as home-made and locally produced handicrafts. During summer, you can also buy stunning bouquets, books, seeds, and some organic snac
At Fiddekulla, you are offered locally produced flowers, cut flowers, and plants that are grown naturally, without pesticides by a lovingly, caring hand. Buying your plants at Fiddekulla is a conscious choice to have sustainable and ethically cultivated flowers. You also support the local trade in the countryside, whilst you do something good for the community, nature, and its biodiversity.
Contact information
+46 (0) 767 646 433
Fiddekulla 118, 361 96 Vissefjärda
Opening season: From Easter to autumn, until frost comes. Open in winter from November to Xmas.

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