Vente horn

Ventes ragas is the most distant Western Šilutė district point. The peninsula length is 5.5 km, the maximum width is 2.2 km. At its tip there is a lighthouse for the ships and rafts as this place was very dangerous. An 11-metre-high lighthouse, built in 1863 during the Prussian period, though it is not currently in use. Now it is a techical monument overlooking the lagoon, the Curonian Spit, Rusnė Island.
As the great bird migration route stretches through Ventė Cape, Ventė Cape Ornithological Station – one of the first bird ringing stations in Europe still in operation – was opened here by Tadas Ivanauskas in 1929. During 1929-2015, Ventė Cape Ornithological Station staff ringed nearly 2.5 million birds. In 2015, the station was resurrected to new life.
Contact information
+370 441 77785
Ventės rago švyturys, 2201, 99361, Lithuania
Opening season: Spring-Autumn