Nysted Strand Camping

We hope you enjoyed your visit and we love to have your feedback. How well do the Nysted Strand Camping deliver wellbeing to visitors?
Nysted Stand Camping is family driven with passion for people, for nature, and for environmental care. We have made it a natural priority to register and care for individual needs to make everyone experience kindness and achieve relaxation and balance. Probably one of the reasons our guests often extend their stay or come back on their next holiday.
Our facilities are designed so that they both offer the opportunity for you to find peace and to meet new people. The surroundings are beautiful: Sea and beaches, many hiking and biking options, a close by manor park with old trees. Our activities include for instance nature guiding and visits from local food producers.
We are a front runner in Denmark when it comes to implementing new ideas for sustainability. We sort our waste in nineteen different categories. All electricity comes from wind power. We use recycled material and creatively use leftover material for other purposes like insect hotels to increase biodiversity.
As a front runner business in environmental sustainability we hope to inspire others and, through cooperation, help to develop new technologies that can support other businesses in being environmentally friendly. We have for instance been involved in launching a national waste collection scheme for camping businesses.
Contact information
(+45) 5487 0917
Skansevej 38, Nysted, Denmark
Opening season: March - Ocotber

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