Darniojo sveikatingumo turizmo maršrutas Baltijos pajūryje ir Kuršių pamaryje

Find your peace of mind along the Baltic coastal wellbeing route.

When traveling through pine forests, seaside cliffs and sand dunes, you will experience a natural and simple experience. On the Lithuanian seaside and coast, you will find peace of mind and what is good for your body and soul. Here, between the sea and the forest, you will blend in with nature and close surroundings.

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Season: Summer

Lenght: 4 days

Peace of Mind

Start your journey

Šventoji beach and Samogitian Sanctuary

Sventoji beach and Samogitian Sanctuary Šventoji is a small resort town on the Baltic coast on the Šventoji river. Administratively it belongs to the municipality of Palanga, about 12 km away to the north. Earlier this place was a fishing village, which over time developed into a port, and later became a small resort town. Sventoji beach is a wide strip of white sand nestled along the town.


aprox 2 hours

The Samogitian Alka in Šventoji is supervised by the Samogitian Cultural Society. It is a public organization whose goal is to foster Samogitian ethnoculture and traditions. The Samogitian Sanctuary is easy to reach on foot or by bicycle from the center of Šventoji (about 1.5 km across the bridge over the Šventoji River). Alka (Sanctuary) – ancient Baltic shrine and place of sacrifice. Alka was also an ancient observatory. The ancient Baltic priests watched here the Sun, the Moon, Venus, familiar to Balts constellations (Chandelier, Mowers, etc). The solar shadow it was determined by the dates of the calendar holidays dedicated to the various pagan gods.

Kuršių tak. 289, Palanga 00317, Lithuania

Western Lithuanian bicycle trail

Western Lithuanian bicycle trail consists of three main traces: tourism route on the shore of the Curonian Lagoon from Klaipėda district and the territory of Šilutė district to Rusnė. Lithuanian bicycle tourism route on the shore of the Curonian Lagoon from Klaipėda to Nida via Curonian Spit. And Lithuanian bicycle tourism route on the Baltic coast from Klaipeda to the border with Latvia.


Aprox 2-3 days

Western Lithuania stretches from Klaipeda city center in three directions a cycle trail with a total length of more than 200 km. This trail is EuroVelo part of the European cycling network (EuroVelo 10).
1. Klaipeda – Curonian Spit – Nida (52 km). The journey begins in Klaipeda. Cyclists move by ferry to Smiltyne and travel on a specially marked bicycle path towards Nida. The route stretches through the entire Curonian Spit National Park.
2. Klaipeda-Latvian border (49 km). The bike trail stretches through the Seaside Regional Park and the Palanga Seaside Resort.
3. Klaipeda-Rusne Island (60 km). Rusnė island is unique in Lithuania due to its loodplain meadows, tributaries of the Nemunas and the landscape of open plains (polders).

Priešpilio g. 2, Klaipėda 91240, Lithuania

Karkelbeck No. 409

Karkelbeck nr 409 to luksusowy camping (glamping) i pensjonat położony w lesie, z dala od hałasu. Spokój, połączony z widokiem na morze, litewska łąka pełna kwitnących dzikich kwiatów, stary dąb i las, w którym może odbywać się leśna terapia (np. forest bathing – kąpiel leśna), ścieżka prowadząca w dół do morza, bałtyckie fale i piasek, lecznicza błękitna glinka, usługi wellness, a nawet edukacja jak uprawiać aktywny wypoczynek w ciągu dnia i jak przytulnie i komfortowo odpoczywać wieczorem to tylko niektóre z tutejszych atrakcji


Aprox 4 hours

„Karkelbeck No. The 409 ”homestead is located on the shore of the Batilla Sea, next to the Dutch Cap Cliff. The homestead offers pre-ordered therapies for groups, families and one person: amber and sound therapy with sounding bowls; dance movement and sound therapy; fractal drawing; collection of herbs (depending on the season). Massages: amber, Ayurvedic, acupuncture, Japanese Shiatsu, woody sticks.

R32C+M7 Karklė

Juodojo kranto ritualai

With enthusiasm and love, we invite you to enter an oasis of peace. At the SPA center " Juodojo kranto ritualai" in Juodkrante you can enjoy massages, holistic rituals, and beauty treatments.


Aprox 2-3 hours

Spa center “Juodojo kranto ritualai” (“Black Shore Rituals”) in Juodkrante is characterized by exceptional innovation and originality of wellbwing services. The attractiveness of the SPA center is determined by the fact that its own professionalism is regularly demonstrates the best wellbeing service experts in Lithuania who invite us to enjoyed massages, holistic rituals and beauty treatments.

H448+6X Juodkrantė, Lithuania

Neringa resort

Nadmorski kurort Neringa jest znany nie tylko na Litwie. Nida to wspaniałe wakacyjne miejsce dla osób pragnących odpocząć w ciszy i spokoju - każdy znajdzie tu coś dla siebie. Turystów zachwycą malownicze lasy sosnowe i wydmy, przestronne plaże z miękkim, białym piaskiem, gdzie nie ma tłumów turystów, zagrody rybackie, które zachowały unikalne dawne detale architektoniczne, piękne drewniane domy nadmorskie, małe kawiarenki, przytulne, pięknie zagospodarowane podwórka, jeziora i stawy na których goszczą kaczki i łabędzie, łodzie i jachty.


2 hours

Nida has a variety of cafes and restaurants. In the summer, demanding and busy holidaymakers from Vilnius and other Lithuanian cities flock to Neringa, who want to eat not only delicious but also healthy during their holidays. Then there are many places in Neringa where the ingredients, dishes and their preparation meet the strict principles and criteria of wellbeing.

Pamario g. 53, Nida 93121, Lithuania

Nidos paplūdimiai

Plaża "Nidos paplūdimiai" została wyróżniona w 2001 roku Błękitną Flagą. Nagroda ta przyznawana jest plażom, które spełniają najwyższe wymagania w zakresie ochrony środowiska i jakości usług. Plaże wyposażone są w niezbędną infrastrukturę rekreacyjną: schody umożliwiające dojście do plaży, ławki, kabiny do przebierania, place zabaw dla dzieci, boiska do siatkówki plażowej, krany ze słodką wodą, czy toalety. Kawiarenki plenerowe znajdują się przy plaży każdej osady. Plaże są wyposażone w sprzęt dla osób niepełnosprawnych.


Aprox 6-8 hours

Nida Beach was awarded the Blue Flag in 2001. This award is given to the beaches that meet the highest requirements of environmental protection and quality of service. Beaches are equipped with necessary recreational infrastructure: stairs to reach the beach, benches, changing cabins, children’s playgrounds, beach volleyball courts, fresh water taps, toilets. The outdoor cafes are situated next to the beach of each settlement. Beaches are equipped for people with disabilities. Nida central lifeguard station can provide a wheelchair if needed.

Neringos savivaldybė, Lithuania

Park Narodowy Mierzei Kurońskiej

Mierzeja Kurońska "Kuršių nerijos" została ukształtowana przez morze, wiatr oraz działalność człowieka i nadal jest kształtowana przez te czynniki. Mierzeja posiada wiele charakterystycznych cech przyrodniczych i kulturowych oraz zachowała swoje znaczenie społeczne i kulturowe. Jest to miejsce, które warto odwiedzić!


Aprox 1-2 hours

In addition to its idyllic tranquility, Nida also has an attractive hotspots. And not only the lagoon or the sea, but also the forests, piles and dunes of Neringa. Neringa has long been considered a mecca for orienteers. International orienteering competitions are often held here. More than ten years ago, Nordic walking became popular in Neringa. Nordic walking is a variant of Finnish sports walking that can be practiced by non-athletes person. Nordic walking in Neringa is a great form of physically active leisure for people who are looking for fun physical activity and the greatest health benefits, combining these benefits with the bliss of being in the open air and enjoying the most beautiful Lithuanian landscape.

P446+WF Klaipėda

How to get around

On the Baltic coast and the Curonian Spit, guests can enjoy a beautiful and diverse natural and cultural-historical environment, beautiful forests, flowering meadows and refreshing beaches, or, maybe, to have a local meal, and spend the night outdoors. Careful hosts can also take care of the guests and give them the opportunity to spend the night in a cozy accommodation. This route offers a four-day experience that allows you to change activities according to your preferences and habits. No matter what you need more, this route will allow you to discover fullness and harmony with your inner self, with the environment and with other people.

Your choice makes a difference!

A major part of traveling is getting from place to place. Whether you are abroad or traveling in the local or regional communities. There are multiple transportation options to choose from but as a wellbeing guest, with the intention of doing good, a sustainable transport mode is to be preferred. Sustainable transport systems make a positive contribution to the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of the communities they serve.

In the example below, you can see how different transport choices give more or less CO2 emissions per passenger-kilometers. We hope it can help you make changes on the way you get around.

Background and assumptions to the calculation

The length of the route is 85 km.

In the examples below we have the following assumptions:

  • All drivers have a fuel-efficient way of driving.
  • The calculation for buses considers that they are operating in partial load capacity.
  • CO2 emission for electric vehicles may vary based on how electricity is produced.
  • We use a single average for biogas emissions, although it may vary according to the production mode.

Note: The transport modes below are for comparison purposes. Check their availability at your destination. Different transport modes may affect the suggested length of the route.

Choose wisely and reduce your carbon footprint!
Rower - 0 g/CO2

Najlepszy wybór, Niewielki wpływ

Electrical Bike
Rower elektryczny - 22 g/CO2

Najlepszy wybór, Niewielki wpływ (calculation based on the GHC and an 5.9kwh)

Electric Public Transport
Elektryczny transport publiczny - 935 g/CO2

Umiarkowany wpływ (provided that the Bus is well filled)

Electric Public Transport
Transport publiczny na biopaliwa - 701 g/CO2

Umiarkowany wpływ (provided that the Bus is well filled)

Public Transport
Transportem publicznym - 2295 g/CO2

Umiarkowany wpływ (per person based on 60% of load capacity)

Electric car
Samochód elektryczny - 1758 g/CO2

Umiarkowany wpływ (Medium sized electric vehicle)

Biofuel car
Samochód na biopaliwo - 1201 g/CO2

Umiarkowany wpływ (Medium sized biogas vehicle)

Samochodem - 4601 g/CO2

Wysoki wpływ (Medium sized diesel vehicle)

Do you travel climate-smart?

Calculate your trip’s climate footprint! The Travel & climate calculator will help you choose travel options with low climate impact between different destinations. You can also have an estimative about the impact of your accommodation.

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