Park Narodowy Mierzei Kurońskiej

Autor zdjęcia Ausra Feser
Mierzeja Kurońska "Kuršių nerijos" została ukształtowana przez morze, wiatr oraz działalność człowieka i nadal jest kształtowana przez te czynniki. Mierzeja posiada wiele charakterystycznych cech przyrodniczych i kulturowych oraz zachowała swoje znaczenie społeczne i kulturowe. Jest to miejsce, które warto odwiedzić!

The Curonian Spit is a unique and easily damaged sandy and wooded seaside spit cultural landscape characterized by small settlements of the Curonian Spit which is situated in the Curonian Spit National Park. Local communities have adapted to the changing natural environment in order to survive. This interaction of man and nature formed the cultural landscape of the Curonian Spit which since 2000 is included in the World Heritage list.

The social-cultural traditions, spirituality, and the local lifestyle formerly centered on fishermen, artists, scientists, yachtsmen and gliders, travelers, and other visitors have a huge impact on nowadays atmosphere in the Curonian Spit.

Moreover, you can meditate, create, or just stay with yourself in Nida art colony, discover nature and culture having a walk in the dunes, along the coast, visit museums, handicraft markets, enjoy swimming in the see, viewing the beautiful landscape, riding a bike, etc. It is definitely a wonderful place to enrich your body, mind, and soul.

Informacje kontaktowe

+370 469 51 224

P446+WF Klaipėda

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