Wellbeing Tourism
Wellbeing tourism is based on sustainability, but it is also a holistic concept that includes wellbeing for the visitor, but also for the actor and the society that provide the services. It includes wellbeing on a physical, mental and spiritual level. Wellbeing is a state of balance and harmony. We are striving to make it easier for entrepreneurs within tourism to offer products and services within wellbeing, and to highlight coastal areas in the South Baltic region as attractive destinations for this type of tourism.

Our Aim
“The tourism industry is globally of great importance for economic growth and employment, as well as for meeting customer
demand of leisure experiences. Tourism creates activity in numerous industries, such as hotels and other accommodation,
restaurants, retail, transportation and activity companies. It is a fast growing sector that has a large impact on the
sustainability of our communities and the planet.
We support small to medium sized tourism actors in developing and offering tourism products and activities, without causing
harm, directly or indirectly, to nature, health, or livelihoods. We further support these actors in developing and offering
products and services that support wellbeing on a physical, mental and spiritual level.”
The Wellbeing Teams
Currently we have wellbeing teams in regions of Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Germany and Lithuania. Welcome to reach out to us.
Read below the country section to find out more information about the organisations
that collaborated to create this Wellbeing Altas.

Lali Lindell
Sustainability, Life quality & Spiritual tourism
PhD in Environmental sciences and Environmental Psychology.

Christel Liljegren

Joanna Kohnen

Per-Markus Jönsson

Anna Dziadkiewicz

Robert Bęben

Justyna Janczak

Katarzyna Kucharek

Monika Dmitrzak

Aleksandra Boike

Karin Melbye Holm
Danish Tourism Innovation

Learn more – get in touch

Tourismusverein Vogelparkregion Recknitztal e.V.
Our aim is to have happy and content guests. But to make guests feel good, different needs should be served: Relaxation, nature, quality time with their loved ones, discovering of something new, sports, great food.

Akram Ouzid

Aistė Jurkienė
EUCC Baltic Office

Egle Hidri
The creators of this Wellbeing Atlas
This webpage is a deliverable of the Interreg SB project SB WELL, Wellbeing Tourism in the South Baltic Region – Guidelines for good practices & promotion.
The partnership is composed of 9 Project partners (PPs) and 9 Associated partners (APs).
Project objectives:
To capacitate and facilitate SMEs in offering products and services in wellbeing tourism
To highlight the South Baltic coastline as an attractive destination for wellbeing
tourism among regional and international potential visitors
Increased awareness of the South Baltic as a provider of wellbeing recreation
Increased capacity of delivering wellbeing recreation experiences, products, an services.
Linnaeus University
International collaboration is at the centre of LNU’s development strategies. LNU’s goal is to offer education that encourages working life experience and stimulate an entrepreneurial approach in an international context trough using recent technological advances e.g. LNUPlay. Having a large share of LNU’s international students, the School of Business and Economics is committed to consistent focus on developing practice-related courses and educational material. LNU has a strong ability to attract cutting-edge competence and has shown the ability to strengthen professional educations and training by integrating scientific and occupational competence in planning and developing education. Through an increased participation in externally-funded collaboration projects LNU strengthens its international position in the research and education community. To achieve this goal all LNU researchers have the opportunity to establish lasting international contacts with the aim of maintaining diversity and contributing to sustainable development. Website: www.lnu.se/en/
EUCC Baltic Office
EUCC Baltic States Office is a regional office of the Coastal and Marine Union – EUCC for the Eastern European countries of the Baltic Sea. EUCC is a stakeholder and network association with expert members and NGO member organisations in 40 countries. Founded in 1989 with the aim of promoting a European approach to coastal conservation by bridging the gap between scientists, environmentalists, site managers, planners and policy makers, it is the largest network of coastal & marine practitioners and experts in Europe, with five international offices and focal points and national branches in ten countries.
Registered since 1995 in Lithuania, the EUCC Baltic States Office is active in the east of the Baltic Sea: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the Northwest Region of the Russian Federation. The main objectives of the EUCC Baltic States Office are to promote integrated coastal zone management and sustainable maritime planning in the Eastern Baltic area and to disseminate information on EUCC activities in the region.
Klaipeda State University of Applied Science
Klaipeda State University of Applied Science (KVK) is the third-largest college in Lithuania with strong academic reputation. The initial target of University is to ensure high quality of academic teaching and research facilities. KVK focuses on study programs that lead to a profession, one of the main aims of KVK is to prepare strong and confident practitioners who will be able to successfully apply their knowledge in a working environment. Klaipeda State University of Applied Science is actively participating in local initiatives and projects, developing applied research important for the regional development, advises local authorities and business entities.
Pomerania Development Agency Co.
Pomerania Development Agency Co. is one of the pioneer agencies for regional development in Poland, established in 1992, as an initiative of the Voivodeship authorities and owned by the region – Pomorskie Voivodeship. Its mission is acting on behalf of harmonious growth of Pomerania; through supporting Pomeranian businesses and local authorities as well as initiating and supporting economic ventures of regional importance. The Agency is also an institution which defines standards of support for entrepreneurship in Pomerania, as well as an important partner for self-governments in terms of regional development policy creation. Its representatives officially take part, as an active member, in the creation of regional development strategies and economic policies. Website: www.arp.gda.pl
Vogelparkregion Recknitztal
The Tourism Association ‘Vogelparkregion Recknitztal’ is a Destination Management Organsiation for an area that comprises the river valleys of Recknitz, Trebel and Barthe until the South coast of the Western Pomeranian lagoon area on the Baltic Sea coast. The Association has been founded 2013 and counts currently over 90 members. Those are mainly touristic providers but also different municipalities. The activities of the association comprises of marketing the destination, product development, public relation, initiating infrastructure development as well as supporting its members in their services. A particular focus is given to the development of a sustainable tourism in the region that combines recreation and education in nature, natural and cultural heritage, slow tourism and regional food and wellness products. The association is member of and actively cooperates with other DMO in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Website: https://www.vogelparkregion-recknitztal.de/
Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden
ESS is a regional energy agency, established in 1999 under the Association of Local and Regional Authorities in Kronoberg. Since 2007 activities have been operated under the Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden Ltd and jointly owned by an association where regional councils, counties and municipalities in Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronoberg are members.
The Energy Agency is working to initiate, coordinate and implement projects aimed at improving the energy efficiency and increased supply of renewable energy in all sectors of society with focus on public authorities. The agency works strategically and systematically to link the projects at the local and regional level with the projects of the European and international market.
Since 1999 the agency has performed or coordinated more than 700 visits, energy audits, energy checks among SMEs. The agency has a broad experience of methods and knowledge of driving forces to increase the energy efficiency among SMEs and conducted trainings, workshops, conferences within this topic. The agency is responsible for coordinate and run four SMEs-networks in the region which will support the public sector to support energy efficiency and renewable energy sources among SMEs. Website: www.energikontorsydost.se/en
The County Administrative Board of Kalmar
The County Administrative Board of Kalmar is a government authority that exists in close proximity to the people in the county. It is an important link between the people and the municipal authorities on the one hand and the government, parliament and central authorities on the other. The work of the County Administrative Board is led by the County Governor, who is commissioned to monitor developments and inform the government of the county’s needs. The commission of the County Administrative Board is to work for development where the environment, economic growth and good living conditions go hand-in-hand. The goal is a clean-living environment, a stable labour market and a good life for the residents. In short, the County Administrative Board of Kalmar is working towards sustainable development in the county. The County Administrative Board is responsible for ensuring that decisions from parliament and the Government are implemented in the county and it coordinate government activities. With regard to the county’s development, it shall safeguard and work for the interests of both individuals and society.
The County Administrative Board is a knowledge based organisation which works with many different cross-sectoral issues. The areas of expertise span diverse social issues, from rural development and biodiversity to integration and the protection of natural and cultural environments.
Professor Brunon Synak Pomeranian Research Institute
Professor Brunon Synak Pomeranian Research Institute was founded on the initiative of academic employees of Tri-city universities. Organization has status of an association and is based in Gdańsk. Their mission is to resolve scientific problems, which will help to raise quality of life of Pomeranians as well as effective use of intellectual, financial, natural resources of the region. Professor Brunon Synak Pomeranian Research Institute conduct research of factors that have affect socio-economic development of the region. They also popularize conception of scientific co-operation among various research centers, they support initiatives and help to organize actions which will contribute to rise socio-economic development of the region. Professor Brunon Synak Pomeranian Research Institute popularize methods and tools which better social communication.
Fonden Dansk Turisme Innovation
Fonden Dansk Turisme Innovation is a foundation which purpose is to create economic growth and employment in the tourism industry and derived professions in Denmark or for the benefit of Denmark. The organisation is rethinking and developing future tourism concepts, products and themes together with tourism business and non-tourism actors and based on trends and consumer needs. Dansk Turisme Innovation has particular focus on innovation and capacity building and tourism with a sustainable and wellbeing perspective. Dansk Turisme Innovation is based in Roskilde in Region Zealand and most activities – as the project SB WELL – is carried out in the Region Zealand where the foundation formerly under the name Østdansk Turisme has implemented numerous tourism development projects since its establishment in 2006.