Karkle beach

The beach is in the Pajuris Regional Park territory, one of the greatest recreational areas in the Park.
The beach is a unique clay coastal escarpment with the famous Dutchman hats cliff (24 m above the sea) near which young couples love to have photo sessions. Mostly Karkle beach is a sand beach except for the place by the cliff. As it is a bit further from the big city, here you can enjoy peace, just to listen to the waves and wind. And the eye will be delighted by the many larger stones brought here from Scandinavia by the last glacier.
Another highlight of Karkle beach is the cemetery, which is almost on the seashore. According to the information board next to them, "these still operating Karkle village cemeteries are the closest Lithuanian cemeteries to the sea". Now only the twentieth-century burials can be found here, but locals tell that drowners were previously buried in the area.
You find Karkle Beach in Klaipeda district, 5 km north of the city, by the Baltic Sea.