Wdzydze Landscape Park

A natural landscape is primarily large forest complexes and a variety of surface waters - valleys of small rivers, lakes of various shapes and sizes. We can find here both large lakes with water surfaces reaching the horizon, medium lakes - hugging meadows and pastures, often located within the village, and small mid-forest ponds.
A traditional farm in the Park is a two-building farm, often with a farm building. A specific value is also the noble property found in the village, with a larger farm and a separate cowshed and barn.
Important elements of the village development also included such buildings as mills, taverns, blacksmiths, chapels and crosses. For over a hundred years, Wdzydze Kiszewskie has been producing beautiful colorful embroidery and braids made of pine root.
Basing on traditional design, their own designs and the skillful hands of contractors, they created a unique school of embroidery and plaiting from Wdzydze.