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Contact the webmaster

Webmaster Contact

Webmaster feedback

Thank you for taking the time to send us your feedback or report any problems you experienced on our website. Did you encounter a technical difficulty on one of our web pages? Or do you have a remark/ suggestion regarding this website? Please let our webmaster know by filling in the form below. Your information will help us to continue to improve the site. This form is for feedback about this site only.

Type of information

Can we improve something? Is our content out of date? Are you having difficulties? accessing information on our website due to a disability? Are you having technical issues with this website, like broken links or error messages? Please let us know.

Have you been experiencing technical issues such as broken links or error messages? Please share your experience and let us know.

URL were the problem occurs *

Provide the URL (web address) of the site or material you tried to access, copy and paste from your browser, example:

*Please copy/paste the URL of the page where you experienced the problem, or you have suggestions for improvements into this field.

Describe your issue

Please describe the issue or suggestions you are having
Max 1000 characters

Please be as specific as possible


No personal data is collected or stored when you leave the information in the form above. So please – don’t give out your name, phone number or email address or any other personal data when entering information in “Describe your issue”.

You will not receive feedback on this email, but we will review and fix problems and challenges that mean a degraded experience for you as a visitor to our site.

If you need personal support for “Sign Up” or “My Account”, contact the wellbeing team in your region. Contact information can be found here.

Policy overview

This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best possible user experience. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognizing you when you return to our website and helping our team understand which parts of the website you find most interesting and useful.