Feddet (Præstø Fed)

At Feddet you can experience nature in many ways. Hike or bike on the many paths or along the beach or go on a nature guided horse-riding tour. Go camping, bathing, kitesurfing or bird watching. Visit Naturrum Fiskerhuset with exhibitions about life and nature around the fjord or enjoy the pleasant Fed Havn (Fed Harbour) with shelters and picnic areas. From the bird tower there is a wonderful view of the fjord with its breeding water birds and migrating birds.
Feddet is known for a rich life of waterfowl, not least during the birds' migration period in spring and autumn, where many resting geese, swans, ducks, and waders live in the shallow areas off the coast. In the open countryside, various birds of prey are often seen in the winter, for example buzzards, and blue hawks. Furthermore, it is not uncommon to see a sea eagle foraging in the area.
The 600-hectare peninsula was formed by sand, gravel, and stone that the sea ate away from the northern coasts and deposited here about 2000 years ago. The landscape is varied with heathland, sandy beach, beach meadow, fields, and forest. Large parts are planted with pine, spruce, and birch. In some places, however, smaller stands of other trees are seen, such as oak. For the curious nature explorer Feddet has plenty to offer.