Senfmühle Schlemmin

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Autor zdjęcia Manuela Steimle
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Try about 30 flavours of mustard at our traditional mustard mill. We are always working on new flavours - with produce that is growing nearby. With a lot of creativity we incorporate fruit and other ingrediences to create a special taste experience.

The family business is characterized by the charming atmosphere of the rural area. We care for our customers and produce our products with great care and attention to the little details.

Sustainable production, a gentle use of natural resources and regional circular economy are not new to us.

Traditional craft meets extraordinary tastes – we offer you about 30 flavours of stoneground mustard and fruit vinegar. Our farm shop offers a variety of regional products, such as dog cookies, juices, wines, pasta and honey. You can also enjoy a cup of coffee in our own café or take a closer look into our production during a guided tours.

Guests wanted to stay longer in the beautiful surrounding of our backyard. Because of that, we started building up an area for guests to stay, have a cup of coffee or a small snack. Enjoy the rural tranquility in one of our beach chairs, feed our chickens or browse in our bookcase.

Informacje kontaktowe

+49 38225519736


Hauptstraße 12, 18320 Schlemmin, Germany

Otwarcie w sezonie: Perrenial

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