Jeziora Przywidzkie Duże i Małe

The lakes of Przywidzkie Wielkie and Przywidzkie Małe are connected by a water narrowing, which is why the two reservoirs are often treated as one whole. The Przywidzkie Wielkie Lake has is approx. 140 ha in area and is surrounded by picturesque beach, pine, and oak forests in the Kashubian Lake District. An island in the middle of the lake is classified as a strict nature reserve. On the forested peninsula overlooking the lake from the south, there are traces of an old settlement, while on the northern shore, you can see two joined small-leaved limes, a natural monument. The Skarszewski Trail, a green tourist trail, leads through the area and the nearby Przywidz is a local tourist and recreational base.
Jezioro Przywidzkie Wielkie, Poland